Trauerfeierfatal, was manchen Menschen passiert, wenn sie es mit dem WoW Spieln übertreiben, so ist in Japan ein junges Mädchen namens Snowly verstorben wegen exzessiven Nonstop Gaming:

A young girl nicknamed „Snowly“ died last month after playing the online game „World of Warcraft“ for several continuous days during the national day holiday. Several days before Snowly’s death, the girl was said to be preparing for a relatively difficult part of the game (namely, to kill the Black Dragon Prince) and had very little rest. She told her friends that she felt very tired. A big online funeral was held for Snowly one week after her death

Joi Ito schreibt dazu etwas ganz interessantes, da natürlich erneut Diskussionen aufkommen, was Spielsucht angeht:

Clearly the addictive nature of these games are a risk from a productivity and health perspective, but I think that the sense of responsibility and teamwork that is built by the games exceeds this cost. I’ve seen a lot of coaching of young players by older players about behavior, responsibility, sharing and kindness that is crisp and makes a lot of sense in the game context, but might be lost in a conversation in the real world. Players typically stay up all night helping other players, not out of peer pressure, but out of a sense of teamwork and comradarie.